Well, it was like taking a step back in time. The gym was all decorated, the music was playing and the girls were dancing! It was finally time for the 50's SOCK HOP that we have been waiting to go to.
While we waited outside for everyone to get there, the excitement was building. The girls were in a wonderful mood, dressed up and even had make up on. Oh they are growing up so fast!
Walking into the gym, the girls had a feeling of being in high school. Lockers lined the hall ways, the gym was filling up fast and the energy in the room was building.
Why, they even had an old fashioned style soda shop set up so the girls could enjoy an ice cream sundae.
The girls packed into the little car, just like they used to do in the 50's. The young people would try to squeeze as many people into one car as they could.
Oh my! Oh my! Elvis was there too. The girls couldn't help but let out a scream with excitement. Thankfully, no one fainted.
Once they calmed down we were able to take a group photo with Elvis. What a hunka hunka burning love he was.
Since it was a few hours after dinner, the girls decided to enjoy their sundae early on. Plus, it gave them the energy to dance the night away.
And dance they did!
The room was full of laughter and giggles as everyone grabbed hold of the person in front of them and did the train all through out the building.
They even got to pick out songs on a jukebox.
I remember those days. Picking out your favorite songs, putting in your coin and punching in the number. Then waiting to hear the song play. Only thing was, they had actual records in the jukeboxes in those days.
Michelle showed the girls how to do the twist!
Chubby Checker was singing his heart out as the girls rocked and rolled to his song, The Twist.
There were games and fun things to do too. Like jumping rope. Wow! Jesse sure can jump high!
I am not sure if Haili and her friend Amy played any games though. Every time I saw them they were out on the dance floor dancing the night away. They had a great time and it made me really happy to see them having so much fun.
Nikki looked like a flash from the past in her darling Poodle Skirt doing the Hoola Hoop.
They had races where the girls had to jump rope as they ran down the lane, then hopped through Hoola Hoops on the floor and threw a ball into a bucket. Then raced back doing the same thing over again.
Go Trinity! Go! Yes, she did win this race.
Nikki patiently waits her turn.
Then it was Jesse's turn. I believe they all won when it was their turn.
Another game was a race to see who could dress their Barbie the fastest.
They also had fun at the bowling game.
Frisbee toss was also another popular spot.
It's always fun to hang with good friends. This night was no exception.
When they played a game, they got a ticket and then got to use those tickets at the end of night to enter into a drawing for a door prize.
Trinity and Nikki played the most games. I think they had somewhere around 15 tickets each.
I looked at the stage and noticed Haili and Amy had gotten brave and went up there to dance. Way to go girls!
Then all the girls got up there and danced and sang as the DJ played one tune after another.
They all had the moves and knew all the words to the songs.
I'm sure each one saw herself as a Big Star. Who knows, maybe when they get older one of them will be.
There was not a shy bone up there.
They had so much fun. I think the stage ended up being their favorite spot.
I saw some fancy foot moves up there.
The girls would belt out the songs as they looked down and saw the rest of the crowd dancing and singing along with them.
Oh this must be what Taylor Swift feels like up on stage!
Now I have to admit, the girls were having a great time singing and dancing up there. However, it wasn't to the 50's music. The girls were just to young to much care about those songs.
Jesse and Nikki got close to singing in the mic but sadly, never got to as the older girls wouldn't give up their spot.
Haili and Amy managed to make their way right next to the DJ though. They got to see up close and personal how he spun those tunes.
Then the DJ brought out the big guns! It was time for Michael Jackson's Thriller! Only those who knew the dance was allowed to be up on stage. So, Trinity took her spot and danced along with the rest of them.
It was fun to watch all the girls doing their "monster moves".
It was then time for the door prize drawing. Sorry, none of our girls won.
Then it was time to go home. The girls were tired. Had some fun memories to dream about and talk about for years to come.