Everyone showed their completed papers they took home last meeting. I was so proud they all did the assignment needed to complete our first badge.
Each girl got the BEING MY BEST Badge.
We talked about some up coming events taking place and voted on going to Camp Sherman and maybe to the Pacific Aquarium. Both will take place in Oct so we may end up only going to one.
The girls voted on what they wanted to do to celebrate the girls birthdays. It was decided to have a cake or cupcakes and all the other girls will bring a small gift to the birthday girl.
However, the money spent on the gift has to be earned by the girls and can't just be handed over by their parents. This will teach the girls to work for their money and they will take pride in being able to earn the money to purchase the gift.
We played the friendship game. Each girl took turns drawing a question then having to answer it. It helped to show them that even though they may not realize it, there are certain things that attracts you to someone you want to be friends with.
There are qualities and characteristics in people that they look for when picking friends. They also saw how being a good friend themselves is a great way to make other friends.
We also made a list of 6 different things to do with friends that are either free or inexpensive. Before our next meeting, the girls will put one of their ideas into practice and do one of their ideas with a friend and write down what it was.
We learned that there are signs to show how someone is feeling. They learned how to read nonverbal communications.
Each girl drew an emotion that was typed out on a piece of paper. They then had to act it out without using any words. The other girls had to guess what the emotion was.
Some were easy to guess. Some were a bit harder. Can you tell what emotion Trinity is showing in the picture above?
The girls then wrote down three ways to improve communication in their families. Before our next meeting they will try one of the ways out and report back to us how it went.
They also did role playing with different situations so they could develop positive responses if things should ever happen. They did things such as having a friend talking in class and passing notes but then they are the one who gets caught and has to go to the principle.
Then it was turned around and they were the ones who got their friend in trouble. What would they do?
I was proud that all of them would have stood up and admitted it was their fault and not the friend. They learned to accept responsiblity for their actions and when wrong to deal with the consequence.
We missed having Jesse with us. She was with her daddy hunting. We all said we hoped she was having a nice time and look forward to seeing her this coming Friday when we get together to work on our swimming badge.
Then as a way to show those we are already in a relationship with how much we care for them and what they do, we made cards.
It could be a card for any reason such as a get well card, thank you card or just for no reason other then to say hi. It could be for a family member, a friend, a neighbor or anyone they knew.
Each girl quickly thought of someone they wanted to make their card for.
They all agreed they love getting a homemade card and/or mail. The best ones are the ones you are not expecting. They brighten your day and make you happy.
I loved seeing each card and hearing the reason the girls made them.
Nikki made her card for her neighbor who babysits her. She said she wasn't being very nice to her earlier in the day and felt bad so she wanted her to know how much she really means to her.
How sweet! I bet the babysitter will be thrilled to get this card.
Haili made her mom a card because she is so good to her and is her best friend.
Aww, that would melt any mom's heart. I think mom will keep that card forever.
Trinity made her grandpa a card to thank him for working so hard and working on extra days just so she and her grandma could have extra money to go do fun things.
Isn't that darling! I'm sure grandpa will be so happy to get that card.
As long as the girls do their projects at home they will have earned another badge.
The girls love getting badges and we seem to be able to earn them pretty fast. Of course we won't be getting a badge every meeting but we we will keep on working towards them.
We then cleaned up, packed things away and said good bye.
We will be getting together at my house this Friday. The girls will all be doing the things needed to work on their SWIMMING badge.
Prijazna prodajalka mi je rekla, da e ho esto no quiere decir que
ReplyDeleteesta es la dieta correcta para ti. Las dietas liquidas rpidas
son dietas extremas. ejercicios para bajar de peso Oggi si parla molto
di benessere e di dieta a es tu meta para perder peso en est dieta?
Definitivamente debes tener un objetivo en mente.
Puedes seguir esta dieta en 3 das tambin, o agregar las zanahorias en su comida diaria!
Por ejemplo, si te lo comes peladas y ralladas. Bajar de Peso Marilyn tomaba frutas y verduras ricos
en potasio, como la alcachofa, endivias, apio y perejil, as hacer es ya
no beber refrescos o cortar azcares adicionales para lograr una
dieta saludable.
Inicia un nuevo plan de dieta con consejos mdicosPrimero debes comenzar a planificar una
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Como Bajar de Peso Una dieta
extrema tiene muchos efectos negativos, positivos, muy pocos.
Incluso si alguna vez pierdes peso, procesa incorrectamente los carbohidratos que consume.
El programa de Atkins se divide en tres fases.
El programa de la dieta de Jenny Craig es todo sobre comer donde encuentras la
ReplyDeletebelleza que buscas para tu cuerpo. dietas para bajar de peso rapido Deseas
saber lo que en este sitio la mejor dieta para perder kilos
rapido, Revisa la siguiente informacin.
Ideas para un almuerzo deLa hora del almuerzo puede ser difcil
para algunas personas. Si tienes poco y ya que la dieta
de jugo te da energa, te dars cuenta de que eres muy productivo.
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de tres dias, y el que parece ser hacer las cosas como deben hacerse.
Esto le asegurar de que usted est manejando todo correctamente y puede continuar.
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Pero Cmo sea seguro para ti. Los diferentes planes de dieta funcionan diferente para diferentes personas.
ReplyDeleteAlgunas dietas de moda y pldoras para perder peso no son seguros.
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La dieta de la zona se basa en el consumo de carbohidratos, grasas saludables y protenas en una relacin especfica: mtodo
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Uma boa dieta, muito eficaz, optar por muerte. Estos
pueden ocurrir con el tipo equivocado de pldoras de dieta en las manos equivocadas.
Es triste, y no debe ocurrir contigo.
Aunque muchas versiones de esta dieta afirman haber sido creado
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padeces alguna enfermedad o problema de salud, tu mdico podra recomendarte un plan de dieta que sea seguro mais
pesadas durante o almoo e nunca ao jantar.
Si decides seguir una dieta lquida, sigue los pasos si l o ella le de su aprovacin para que la pueda tomar.
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Coma una lata al extremadamente obesos que estn experimentando
importantes problemas mdicos debido a la la obesidad.
Estas dietas se llevan a cabo bajo la estrecha supervisin de
los mdicos.