We started our meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance. Nikki was was given the honor of holding the flag tonight as a way for us to show our appreciation for being able to hold our meetings at her house.
Thank you so much Sara and Nikki. It is so nice of you to provide the location for the meetings. We promise to keep your home safe and as clean as when we get there.
After that, the girls all said the Girl Scout Promise and Law. They were given a copy of both so they could study them and try to memorize them for the next meeting.
The adults were given permission slips to sign for our outing at the Angel Game on August 28th and were told that custom T-Shirts would be made for the girls to wear and they should also have their sash on that day. Tickets were handed out and everyone was told that we will be meeting at Gate 6 at 4:00 pm.
Also, Maureen White was kind enough to purchase the Troop a lovely banner for the girls to carry during the parade and can be used for all outings when on is needed.
Thank you Maureen! I can't wait to see it! I'm sure it will be great.
The girls learned how to deal with Peer Pressure through role playing. Also, how to change negative thoughts and actions to positive ones and how to act more like their role models.
The girls then wrote positive statements about each other on index cards and gave them to each other.
They were to keep the cards in a special place at home so when they are feeling down or sad they could pull out a card, read it and be reminded of what a wonderful person they are and how others see good things in them.
It was then time to make the journals. Each were given a composition book to cover with different colors of scrapbook paper, stickers, gem stones and each girl got their own package of 3D letters that were their initials.
The girls are so creative and artistic. Each one came up with their own idea on what they wanted their journal to look like.
They were told to use the journals to write down what ever they wanted to in them. Thoughts, dreams. What is bothering them. What they had fun doing that day. It is their journal to use as they like.
They all seemed to really enjoy making them.
This is Jesse's. How cute!
Trinity is showing you her masterpiece. How darling.
Haili's journal is very colorful. It's wonderful!
All the girls did a great job. I am very proud of them.
The girls were given a print out so they could write down something they are good at, each day for a week.
Once they turn those in at the next meeting, they will earn their first patch as a Girl Scout Junior! How exciting.
I was also excited to see how many bottles and cans everyone brought to recycle. Way to go girls!
Thanks go out to Trinity's Grandpa, Jeff, for helping the girls by going to cash them in for money for the Troop.
Our next meeting is August 31, 2010.
wonderful blog! Brings back so many memories of when I was in GS. Thanks for leaving such a nice comment and visiting!